Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tak terkata betapa gembiranya hati ini....... Chayok Assif

~~~Pagi tadi tepat pukul 6.15 pagi bertolak ke Sunway Lagoon Hotel menghantar Assif start practical d sana. First time Sunway Hotel ambik bebudak IKBN untuk buat practical 3 bulan d sana. 3 orang ke pastry kitchen n Assif ke Coffee House as a waiter. Sunway bagi tempat tinggal , food n allowance Rm 350 per month. Alhamdulillah , ia amat2 membantu saraan Assif selama 3 bulan tu.

~~~Seperti biasa la mcm2 la pesanan yg d berikan kepada Assif sbb once upon a time perkara yg sama Ibu pernah lalui 1985 di Hyatt Kuantan selama 6 bulan . Pada masa tu course Diploma In Chef Trainning d wajibkan berpractical semasa sem 3 n 5 selama 1 semester(6 bulan ) tiap kali.So all in all 1 tahun practical trainning. Tp pada masa tu we really learn n work out in the industry. Apa2 yg bakal d tempohi when you start work is learnt then !! Its either you enjoy first n suffer later or you enjoy n suffer at the same time . Masa Ibu practical Ibu started with Kampong Kitchen. Coffee house yg serve Ala -carte from breakfast to Dinner. Tiap2 wednesday night ada Pizza night. Wah..masa tu Ibu pulun belajar ngan Chef Harun (Pastry Chef) He's a great man....Thanks Chef for all your Ilmu yg I shall treasure till eternity. Malam BBQ pasti d suruh keluar untuk bantu chef bakar2. Masa breakfast kena fry eggs ala-minute kat depan guest yg order !!! Masa tu soklan yg kita tanya is ...Sunny side up @ ala lupa plak yg satu lagi tapi egg yolk dia keras la x runny mcm sunny side up. So berbijik2 la telur ibu goreng....

~~~Kebetulan masa ibu pegi practical tu Chef Harun tengah dok prepare kek birthday Untk Sultan Pahang so dptlah tengok dia buat sugar flower,latice, pull sugar n fruit cake base. Semua ni adalah value added masa Ibu p practical. Hotel staffs were friendly n helpful. Tp kita pon jgn la p sana sombong mambong ngan mereka. Wlpn kita p school tp mereka dari bottom, they are all well trained staff. Depa on job training n they have gone thru what we learnt in class hari2 semasa berkerja.

~~~ Mcm2 Ibu belajar dari Kak Zalma, husband n wife team , (dah lupa nama) Tiap kali order datang, Ibu akan tengok Kak Zalma buat, pas tu dia suruh pulak buat sama mcm mana dia tunjuk. Pas tu tiap kali ada order Ibu pon dah confident buat !!! Seronok betul experince yg Ibu lalui. Happy ja p kerja . Wlpn balik malam2 pukul 10 pm. Kalau ada function stay on lagi. Selagi Chef x balik, kita tunggu la to learn. Executive Chef masa to Chef Magor. Ada seniors cerita dia suka maki orang esp practical student, tp selam 6 months kat sana x penah sekali pon mana2 Chef org putih @ local Chef yg cakap apa2 yg memaki d depan Ibu !!! Alhamdulillah...

~~~Next place practical adalah d Malay kitchen. Kitchen ni prepare Malay food untk Kg Coffee house n staff cafeteria 4 lunch n dinner. On the day I started my first day , Chef Santana n Malay Chef was around. Chef Santana was washing rice (5o kgs !!) for both outlet. He showed me how to cook rice comercial way. Menu for the day was Assam Pedas. He asked me if I know how to cook Assam Pedas ? I said that at home yes I do make. So he asked me whether I would like to try to cook 70 kgs of fish ?? What ??!!! I asked him if he really meant what he said ?? He really really really trust me ?? He said ''I tanggung la apa2 pon yg jadi '' Hahahahaahah... Gelak when I heard Chef Santana saying this to make me feel better !!! That started a record of sort, a trainee, cooking as a full fledge Malay Kitchen Chef. Wah..apa lagi tunjuk skill la !! Kuali dia yg very canggih one, ada handle to tip for washing n pouring the finish dish. Mcm org mengantok di sorong bantal la sbb I love to cook in large quantity ! I take it as a personal challenge to my self. All went well n the masak assam came out well n Chjef Santana followed my recipe from that day onwards...heheheeh. What an achievement !!! One up for all 1984 DCT ITM trainee.....

~~~My stint in Hyatt Kuantan really made an impact on the whole reason why I choose Hotel Catering as my aim in life. I feeel honoured when I cook n people appreaciate, they eat n compliment my food !!! That is all I want, for other people to enjoy my food n feel good about it .......