Thursday, June 17, 2010

My trip to Parit Buntar....... Tobat tak p dah makan kat situ !!!!

On 14th june went to Parit Buntar with laling( Hj Azmi) , just to teman him for a meeting. Atteya still on her uni break so ada chan p sana !!! Kalau dak no way la.... Stayed @ Hotel Damai Deluxe room for rm 108 per night. Okay la, spacious room n bathroom. Next time can bring the boys along.

Lunch on 15th tu kat Pak Din warong or apa tah nama. The bill for 2 person nasi campoq 1. nasi putih, kerabu taugeh, masak asam pari n gravy, 2 pcs kacang botoi n selom 2 pcs plus ais kosong. 2nd plate nasi putih, ayam kg goreng, kuah gulai , kerabu taugeh n a pc of pari bakaq n air asam plus teh o ais ....came up to rm 19.90 !!!!! We had the shock of our life !!! Ya ka or salah tulih kot ??? rm 9.90 kot ??

Nak telan pon dah jadi berat, walhal masa tu lapaq tuhan la tau ...... Sambil makan dok kira balik brapa ringgit. Last2 kata kat laling, ayah this shall be the first n last depa dapat duit kita !!!! Kan rugi tu, kalau U kira pd harga yg berpatutan then I will share with a lot of people n ramai akan mai makan at your shop tp now I post in my blog to share also with other people THE NEGATIVE ASPECT OF YOUR BUSINESS !!! Sapa yg rugi ????? Kamu n perniagaan kamu !!!

While waiting for my hubby to finish his meeting, I waited for him kat lobby hotel. Jumpa la another person dok wait for hubby dia jugak. Masa sembang2 tu dia tanya U kerja kat mana ?? Dia kerja la, kat apa tah nama company !! I said dulu2 kerja tp pasai I rasa its best to look after your own children so I resign. I asked my self, agaknya kalau kita ni housewife ni kena apa sepesen. Kena jd timid, x reti campoq org. Suri rumah x leh confident, berani, up to date n IT savvy !!! But I am a FULL TIME HOUSE WIFE tp i'm the opposite of how other people potray what a house wife should be !! Salah ka kalau kita ni intelligent n confident ? I look my self as at par with all of you working n sometimes BETTER lagi .... I've found a lot of examples among my friends.

Jangan pandang kami HOME ADMINISTRATOR sebagai BIBIK !!! We are worth more than you all yg kerja sbb kami adalah Chef, gardener, bibik, doctor, nurse, baby sitter, motivational guru n etc. Bak kata JANE OF ALL TRADE la.... Kalau nak bagi gaji, ramai husband yg x mampu. Buleh bangkarap !!! Tp kami redha sbb PAHALA dari ALLAH lagi banyak !!! Lupa nak cakap , lagi satu... cikgu tuition x rasmi... Nak x nak kena buat tuition bg anak2. Sbb tu nak jd home admint ni nak kena ada degree or master at least... Tp yg mak2 x dak SPM pon anak2 semua lepas Universiti !!! So bermakna mak x pandai x bermakna anak2 keciciran !!!

The presence of a mother tu yg penting.Anak2 seronok if they come back ibu or mak dia ada, siap with lunch. My 4 boys kalau balik pasti buat sharing pasai hal2 d sekolah. Sampai kekadang kita x larat nak dengaq. Dia ikut belakang kita sbb nak suroh ibu dengaq n bg comment. Tp tu la kemanisan berada d rumah sbb mak2 yg kerja x kan merasa !!! Thats worth more than all the money in the whole world. Quality n quantity time with your anak2 !! So jgn kata kami2 ni x dak ANJAKAN PARADIGMA !!! Kadang2 yg kerja tu, x tau lagi hebat ka dak ?? P reja pasai nak cari duit ja...Kami ni mugkin x se kaya mereka2 tp apa2 yg suami2 bg kami redha n bersyukor !!!

So the next time nampak a confident n IT savvy person, jgn la asyik kata dia ni pasti reja tp don't be suprise to know that dia adalah se orang HOME ADMINISTRATOR PROFESIONAL bernama TUNKU MAZUIN TUNKU ANOR @ AWIN..... Has been a full time Home Admint for the last 23 years come 4th Oct 2010.....hheheheeheheheh

So jom la kita2 yg bergelar ibu2 d rumah, mantapkan diri n jangan ketinggalan dari sahabat2 kita yg berjerja. Pasti kita boleh bila kita hendak !!! CHAYOK...CHAYOK COMRADE HOUSE WIFE....