Thursday, November 11, 2010


La ni ramai sungguh orang ajak jadi kaya . Kadang its too good to be true tp kalau x betoii , x kan la reramai p masok ?? Jd konpius gak kan !! Pakat ada mcm2 kan , sampai x tau yg mana true @ false.

Bila tengok proof yg d paparkan , ok lak . Tp kalau kita buat takot x seperti yg d habarkan !! Ada yg kenqa letak duit and ada yg free katanya. Issshhh....... sampai kekadang macam sama tp x serupa . Yg pakai credit card tu memang la org mcm kita x kenan. Sbb utama nya ..heheheeh X DEK KREDIT CARD !!!!! Selamat la kot ya.... SEMEKIN ~ Sape la pecaya nak bg credit card... hahahahahahahahahahaahah

Tapi kan mereka2 ni pandai betol raih minat kita, X le kita nak kata mereka tu conn tp ada gak yg hidden agenda. Ada tu betul2 nak bantu 'U scratch my back I scratch yours' concept. This one I likeeee..... Sbb hidup x baik kalau asyik nak menipu aje. Hidup x selamat !!!

Teringin jugak nak cari skim yg really bantu sampai betol2 dapat mcm mana dia beritakan. Jangan la dia je sorang dapat orang lain terbuntang mata , rugi and orang yg ajak tu d'sumpah' jadi katak ong !! ......

Apa salah nya sama2 kita kayo , jgn le awak je yg untung ribu2. Lepas diri awak udah le. Orang yg ikut ni berputih mata. Amal jariah tu , apabila kita menolong orang yang kesempitan and melarat !! Allah sayang. Nanti orang bawah doakan kemurahan rezki and idup panjang, kan buleh la cari duit banyak2...kan..kan.. !!

Tapi yang respek tu yang ramai masuk budak2 muda belia !!! Orang tua2 ni dah ramai yg kaya kot la kan ?? !! Walau apa pon sama2 la kita pertimbangkan , tepok poket tanya wallet, nak join x?? Kalau 50/50 kaji2 la dulu supaya puas ati and x rasa tertipu . Walahhuallam bis sawab......

YOU ARE THE BOSS OF YOUR ACTIONS......................

Friday, November 5, 2010


Nowdays many people are out looking for old friend, old schoolmates, officemates n etc in the name of re-union. They were together many years back and would like to meet up again after a long absense. I guess its a good move to meet up and to rekindle memories.

What I wonder here is ; are there old feelings surfacing after meeting up again? I see that they come alone, not with their spouse. Is it because the spouses would like to give 'chance' to the other half to meet with old friends? Or the spouses do not want to see the other half 'happiness' meeting again with the 'flower of their dream' ? heheheeh. This I would love to watch !!!

I think whatever feelings and hopes you have for the re-union , I might add wish too ; that is in your heart , is up to you. You know what life you have now and do you want to jeorpardise what you have, for something you had a long long time ago. This will create a problem if you at the present are having difficulties in both of your lifes. You will see this as an escape route to all troubles that you are going thru..... That is why after re unions you bound to get some couples in haywire , all becoz third party intrusion !!!

What I can advice to those spouses be it wife or husband :

i ~ Be open minded in letting your other half enjoy their day. Do not be a spoil sport !!!

ii ~ If you cannot handle your feelings , send him @ her there and go back @ go and do something else, somewhere else

iii ~ Be supportive, be there for her @ him. They'll appreciate it. Listen to their happiness n be understanding. They are happy !!!

iv ~ Don't show discomfort ; so (ii) comes into effect. GO ELSEWHERE !!! Be happy for them...

iiv ~ You love him @ her , believe in the love both of you have !!! Tell her @ him that you believe in them and this is just like any other day in both of your lives....

~ ~ ~ The thing is LOVE and BELIEVE. You'll be okay my friend.............

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I can't seem to be able to fully understand some 16 to 17 year olds now days. I see it as a small issue but to them its as tho the world is going to explode in a second !!!! So they end up making silly mistakes and wasting precious time ...

They never want to listen to any advice ; from the person who gave birth to them and the person who provide food n shelter to them !!! They go about their problem their own way and end up making it more complicated ?? They make it as though its other peoples fault that it goes wrong . Its not their fault at all........

The cell phone is the numero uno of their life. They will die without it. They have no income but the phone is well kept with prepaids at all time n I might add, at all cost !!! ............ Where does this money come from ???

I was once a 16 n 17 year old . We were problematic but we listen to parents n elders. We try not to be too emotional. We try not to overly traumatise our mom n dad. We try to be responsible, to help out at home. We try to respect elders especially mom n dad as often as we could. Try to save where n when possible. We try to make a peace with our sibling n to love them when we could. To be precise , we try to be good teenagers whenever possible........


Friday, October 8, 2010


We always want a rosy bed life, which is easy and no hurdles. You live a life full of happiness, wealth n health. But if suddenly all is taken back ; not all in the real sense but little bit, its as though Allah has taken away all of it !!! Please be reminded that when Allah bestows anything ; be it good or bad, its because Allah knows the said person is able to overcome and will obey n be close to Allah. Hardship is a way Allah wants us to remember that all are from Him and he is the only one to ask and who can help us human being. Its his way of giving bonus to those who adhere to his law....

It is all right for you to cry n loads off your feeling of sadness n grieve ; for he wants to listen and to tell all of us that he is always there to hear out what ever that we like to share with him. He is a patient listener and after listening he knows whats good for each and every one of us !!! That is how great he is !!! We are mere humans and we tend to forget that we are in His world and there is another place that all of us regardless of believe, religion n creed will assemble. At this place we shall know all our mistakes n good deeds that we've done.... Its going to be like a film show.

To obey is a simple act but humans like to test Allah's patience.He lets you do whatever you want but WAIT......There is a time and place before you'll be judge for all of your life's drama.

Be moderate in whatever you do. Try to be a good person and always be reminded that there is the day after............ This advice is for you and I.....ALMIGHTY-GOD IS GREAT ~ALLAH HU AKBAR

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Married life is simple when you know and you want to make it heavenly. But if you choose to be selfish and wants your spouse to cater to your every need, love you unconditionaly and give in to your every whim n fancy, then its going to be a disaster right from the start. I'm not being clever and know all but for the last 23 years I've used this pull n push, give and take method.

I am a super ego person to start with, who will want to get my way all the time. Talkative - non stop,my heart is ruled by my emotion, I have a very very strong intuition ( if I say MU will loose the game then 80% its going to be true.I TRULY DO NOT KNOW Y !!!...Pak Aji will jeleng me and say "Ibu, pls don't say it !!! " hahahaahah) I make first impression judgement ussualy its correct....emmmm ( P/s: But my super ego has diminish to 50% after 23 years. Thanks to my laling)

My other half is a quite person and its difficult to see him angry n be spiteful to anyone. A romantic~flower, chocolate etc. A pious man ( I learn Islam teachings, memorizes surah, listen to his jumaat khutbah, ceramahs n fardu Ain from him) He is my Ustad...Alhamdulillah. Its always I who blows my top with the kids. I am the disciplinarian in the family. No matter how hard I 'rotan' them, they''ll be no trace but if he canes them 100% sure , they will start having fever n the rotan trace is red n swollen !!?? So he stops caning a long time ago....

But if its his turn to 'megamok' ( alaaaa.... compared to my tantrums, his is like spray of water je !!!) I will keep quite and let him finish his anger then I will cool him down with his favourite drink. Then I will slowly ask him why ? Shower him with 7 star treatment...... I motivate him and we share stories. I can never do anything bad because when I see his face, all the day happenings will pour out like rain water !!!! heheheeh .No secret withheld ...BAHAYA~~~~ DANGER... This I don't advice (part about no secret la)... heheheeheheh

Be a giver not a taker. Be a appreciative hubby or wife. Show them how much you love him or her then only he will show back in return. Let it be an example to your kids so that they'll know that its acceptable to show love in the house.They will do it in their home later. A house with love is a house made in heaven. Have 'together' time , no kids allowed. At least once a week, pick a day and go out n do your things with out kids. Go for holidays , it does not have to be far. Choose somewhere near by and you do not have to take a long leave from work. Loosen up there and communicate more.

What you don't say and share is 'cancerous' to your marriage. Make it a point to give a peck on the cheek or forehead before going to bed, waking up, before going to the office, before breakfast lunch , or dinner ; its your way of saying thanks to your wife after a good meal. She cook for you and its a way of appreaciating her. When you see something that you know she is fond of, just buy to surprise her. The art of surprising is a sure bet to make anybody happy n loved !!! I advice you to do this often. What is a few bucks when you can see the smile on your partner's face the whole day thru.............

Don't be a 'HJ BAKHIL' not in financial aspect but everything; show your love, don't be a judgmental freak, accept him or her as what she or he is. Don't expect them to change in a flash for you. Start educating them slowly and lovingly. It works as time pass on. Say nice n loving words. Don't be spiteful, its not vogue to let those ugly words come out of our mouth especially us ladies !! Even if he has done something unacceptable to you. Sit down and talk about it. Let him explain first then you judge him and decide the next course of action. Then only you are fair to him or her. We are created to have love in abundance, so let go and start being what we are made of !!! You're the chosen one for your other half and him or her for you, so make it a worth while investment my friends.....

MOTHERS take note !!! Please teach your son to be a loving husband to be. Appreciate woman especially your wife. I have 4 boys and I train them to do house work, cook heavenly rice and they are well verse in the kitchen, ironing my tudung, cooking simple food n d art of cleaning up after using anything. So I have 4 very well train husband to be !!! heheheeh. The dowry shall be high, like the hindustani ya..... Women give dowry and man wait to be ask for the hand in marriage. Any takers ?? HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

I'm not a Guru in married life. I am too a learner in the art of happy living but its a fool proof theory if you give love.You'll get more love coming your way. It doesn't cost u a single cent to make life bearable till the day you die. So why not invest ?? You choose to be miserable or happy ?

Last but not least COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE,COMMUNICATE... Let your feeling show. You are one with each other, if you feel the pain , he'll feel it too. COMPLIMENT each other n SUPPORT each other in sickness, in health and in wealth. If you have done all of this , then you will never go wrong. Smooth sail my friend..........


Monday, October 4, 2010


Today is the 23rd year of my marriage to my soul mate Haji Nor Azmi. We do things together and we like to "jalan2" and "merayap" anywhere anytime all the time....heheheeh. We love good food and "jalan cari makan" is one thing that is considere an outing to taste and to discover new dishes to be cook at home after the first try.We have 5 also food lover children that we haveTO 100% rely on home cook food. Kalau x boleh bangkrap Pak Aji tu !!! So in the end , I have to cook a similar or better version of the said food !!! Its a matter of good taste bud and familiarity with all the spices and concoction that you know to be able to get the correct taste.

Our favourite past time is to do "surveys" on sunday morning @ Amcord Mall...That is a place considered a heaven for old timers like us. I buy my Vietnam Apple n seedless Guave here too !!! The trees are small but it bears fruit almost the whole year thru. For rm15 each, I consider it worth the money.Old Cd of oldies song attracts us to walk down the memory lane n to ponder the yester years...Basically we spent 4 - 5 hours there.Then we proceed to Cash Converter in Sea Park. You'll get good bargains and most of the time the goods are exceptionaly of good quality. I strongly advice to leisurely browse slowly because there are a lot of things there worth your time on a sunday morning......

The other thing that we like to do is sitting down to talk any topic 'under the sun' be it about old friends(we have the same friend as we go to the same school) food, life n future plans for our catering business. We can talk till our eyes shuts down and both fell asleep in between words !! To us communication between each other is an important component of a husband n wife team. If you both do not communicate then its going to be difficult to know what the other feel.Bring your emotion out, do not suppress your feeling because if you keep it under wrap and you do not confide in your partner then trouble will sip in slowly and after a while you'll drift further apart.... That we don't want....Agree ?

Both of us might not be well off but we are managing well because we try to save where we can. What other people get, we also have .if they can buy it in a month , then its going to be 2 @ maybe 3 for us !!! But its still the same thing, right ?? I am thankful that I have a good "banker' who handles our expenses well.

To my dearest Abang Bit, Happy 23rd Anniversary and I hope n pray that we are able to live happily ever after n become stronger as time goes by......Love you with all my heart and please be my best friend till eternity or till death do us part.....

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Ya Allah, its been a hectic week since Aidil Fitri. I had no time to up date peppermint zing !!! I had function on alternate day. Tiring and mind boggling but I am enjoying every minute of it. It has been my passion to be able to cater food n my services to the public. It's a joy to see my clients happy with my food. What ever I cook comes from my heart and the recipe is what I cook for my husband and 5 children. So its home cook food !!! No MSG coz I feel that if you are really a good cook , you do not need all that to make your food delicious.......

I don't mind cooking just for 10 people, its not how many person but how good the food shall be. I am a person who will make sure everything is in order eventhought I am busy with my catering job. My house must be in a spick n span condition. Because a clean house is a mirror to a caterer. I will not want to order food from a caterer who has a clutter and dirty home !!! Will the food be clean ??

Meeting new people and how other people communicate with you is also an interesting part of my job. On one of the many catering assignment I did, I had a shock of my life when a client suddenly came out with this words ~

"Eh, engkau buat catering ya ? Apa yg engkau boleh buat? Brapa ringgit kau ambik ? "

I was SHOCK to the bone !!! She is the head educator with a religious school and I thinkd she should'nt had used the word ENGKAU to anyone even to a beggar for that matter. I said to her ~

" Ya , saya mmg buat catering ini. Kita ambik rm 20 untuk satu loyang. Puan nak order bila dan brapa loyang ?"

I gave her my bussines card and she quoted my name TUNKU MAZUIN TUNKU ANOR...Ohh she said Tunku !!! Her face turned red.........

I am not saying just, because my name is TUNKU then you have to be extra curteous to me. Its just, please have and use a better 'penganti diri' when you talk to other people. You would'nt know who the other person is !! He or she might be a VIP or someone important. But even if she or he is a plain tom, dick or harry , you should also have a better word than 'engkau'. Its plain RUDE to address people with ENGKAU on the first meeting !!! To a close friend YES, its accepted but to someone you do not know then its plainly and simply ~ UNACCEPTABLE. Please do keep this in mind. Protocol is not only for official and royalty but its also for normal and simple people like you and I. Its how people see you. Your word shows others , who you are and what is your up bringing.Don't be a disgrace to your family ............


Friday, July 2, 2010

Salah conggak jenis orang.....

~~~Selalu bila kita nampak orang tu pakai seksi2 kita cepat2 buat assumption yg dia tu pasti x tau agama atau saja nak lawan undang2 Allah ?? Kalau pulak jumpa orang pakai tudung labuh atau lilit serban , orang tu paling la kita percaya . Warak... Tp tau ke kita hati n pemikiran kedua-dua watak yg berbeza ini ?

~~~Aku penah come across satu jenis yg boleh di katakan warak abih n kerja pon ada background keagamaan. Alhamdulillah la kan . Tapi bila dengar percakapan nya aku jadi urut dada !!! Ishhh...kasaqnya. Seakan2 kita ni tidak bercakap ngan org yang faham agama... Malas la nak cakap kat c ni lain2 yg pelek2 tu tp lain ya amat dengan jenis orangnya... Sekadar menjauhi dari mengaibkan sesiapa ....

~~~Yang seksi tu, sembahyang tak penah tinggal ( setahu aku la) Solat Dhuha x lepas, mengaji Quraan x henti. Percakapan nya banyak berlandaskan fakta2 agama yg bernas. Berlemah lembut. Aku jadi hairan...?? Jadi aku buat summary yg, jangan judge the book by its cover sbb yg di dalam kita x tau boleh pakai ka dak !! Allah nak duga apa kah kita terbuai dgn apa yg kita ada tanpa muhasabah diri n berubah ke arah kebaikan ??

~~~Walau siapa pon kita, apakah jenis pon kita, cepat2 kembali kepada jalan yg benar. Pandang la sekali sekala diri kita dan jgn la selalu kata kita betul sbb ada pelajaran agama. Kita pon boleh terhanyut sbb RIAk !!! '' Aku tahu lebih dari mereka2 sbb aku belajar agama lebih dari orang lain'' !!!!! Keluar la dari kepompong bangga n megah.... X ke mana pon ??

~~~Aku x la pandai bab2 agama tp selagi bernyawa akan ku pelajari Ilmu agama untuk bekalan hari esok........Aku mengaku, banyak lagi yg aku x tahu tp c kit2 aku cari n insya'allah dengan inayah n belas ehsan Allah, akan aku capai....Amien

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tak terkata betapa gembiranya hati ini....... Chayok Assif

~~~Pagi tadi tepat pukul 6.15 pagi bertolak ke Sunway Lagoon Hotel menghantar Assif start practical d sana. First time Sunway Hotel ambik bebudak IKBN untuk buat practical 3 bulan d sana. 3 orang ke pastry kitchen n Assif ke Coffee House as a waiter. Sunway bagi tempat tinggal , food n allowance Rm 350 per month. Alhamdulillah , ia amat2 membantu saraan Assif selama 3 bulan tu.

~~~Seperti biasa la mcm2 la pesanan yg d berikan kepada Assif sbb once upon a time perkara yg sama Ibu pernah lalui 1985 di Hyatt Kuantan selama 6 bulan . Pada masa tu course Diploma In Chef Trainning d wajibkan berpractical semasa sem 3 n 5 selama 1 semester(6 bulan ) tiap kali.So all in all 1 tahun practical trainning. Tp pada masa tu we really learn n work out in the industry. Apa2 yg bakal d tempohi when you start work is learnt then !! Its either you enjoy first n suffer later or you enjoy n suffer at the same time . Masa Ibu practical Ibu started with Kampong Kitchen. Coffee house yg serve Ala -carte from breakfast to Dinner. Tiap2 wednesday night ada Pizza night. Wah..masa tu Ibu pulun belajar ngan Chef Harun (Pastry Chef) He's a great man....Thanks Chef for all your Ilmu yg I shall treasure till eternity. Malam BBQ pasti d suruh keluar untuk bantu chef bakar2. Masa breakfast kena fry eggs ala-minute kat depan guest yg order !!! Masa tu soklan yg kita tanya is ...Sunny side up @ ala lupa plak yg satu lagi tapi egg yolk dia keras la x runny mcm sunny side up. So berbijik2 la telur ibu goreng....

~~~Kebetulan masa ibu pegi practical tu Chef Harun tengah dok prepare kek birthday Untk Sultan Pahang so dptlah tengok dia buat sugar flower,latice, pull sugar n fruit cake base. Semua ni adalah value added masa Ibu p practical. Hotel staffs were friendly n helpful. Tp kita pon jgn la p sana sombong mambong ngan mereka. Wlpn kita p school tp mereka dari bottom, they are all well trained staff. Depa on job training n they have gone thru what we learnt in class hari2 semasa berkerja.

~~~ Mcm2 Ibu belajar dari Kak Zalma, husband n wife team , (dah lupa nama) Tiap kali order datang, Ibu akan tengok Kak Zalma buat, pas tu dia suruh pulak buat sama mcm mana dia tunjuk. Pas tu tiap kali ada order Ibu pon dah confident buat !!! Seronok betul experince yg Ibu lalui. Happy ja p kerja . Wlpn balik malam2 pukul 10 pm. Kalau ada function stay on lagi. Selagi Chef x balik, kita tunggu la to learn. Executive Chef masa to Chef Magor. Ada seniors cerita dia suka maki orang esp practical student, tp selam 6 months kat sana x penah sekali pon mana2 Chef org putih @ local Chef yg cakap apa2 yg memaki d depan Ibu !!! Alhamdulillah...

~~~Next place practical adalah d Malay kitchen. Kitchen ni prepare Malay food untk Kg Coffee house n staff cafeteria 4 lunch n dinner. On the day I started my first day , Chef Santana n Malay Chef was around. Chef Santana was washing rice (5o kgs !!) for both outlet. He showed me how to cook rice comercial way. Menu for the day was Assam Pedas. He asked me if I know how to cook Assam Pedas ? I said that at home yes I do make. So he asked me whether I would like to try to cook 70 kgs of fish ?? What ??!!! I asked him if he really meant what he said ?? He really really really trust me ?? He said ''I tanggung la apa2 pon yg jadi '' Hahahahaahah... Gelak when I heard Chef Santana saying this to make me feel better !!! That started a record of sort, a trainee, cooking as a full fledge Malay Kitchen Chef. Wah..apa lagi tunjuk skill la !! Kuali dia yg very canggih one, ada handle to tip for washing n pouring the finish dish. Mcm org mengantok di sorong bantal la sbb I love to cook in large quantity ! I take it as a personal challenge to my self. All went well n the masak assam came out well n Chjef Santana followed my recipe from that day onwards...heheheeh. What an achievement !!! One up for all 1984 DCT ITM trainee.....

~~~My stint in Hyatt Kuantan really made an impact on the whole reason why I choose Hotel Catering as my aim in life. I feeel honoured when I cook n people appreaciate, they eat n compliment my food !!! That is all I want, for other people to enjoy my food n feel good about it .......

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

LOVE is a universal word and everyone will succumb to LOVE....

~~~ I alway see my self as a person abundance with LOVE. I am happy to show and give LOVE to people who are not my flesh and blood. For I treasure what ever LOVE that everyone has given me for the past 45 years. I am what I am because I receive unconditional LOVE by all of them. They accept me for who I am, what I am and not how much money I have to my name ( that I can assure you not very much indeed !!!) They simply want to have me around becoz I love them and vice versa.

~~~My opinion to those murder,baby abandoning, prostitution, drug abuse, 'rempits' , robberies, burning of human being are all because they don't LOVE themselves and neither do they LOVE other human being. Why I say this, because if they LOVE their freedom they will never ever commit to those heartless act of savage !!!! Uncivilised act of destruction of human lives as though they are Allmighty ALLAH..... If they are not caught by the law then ALLAH will surely wait for them in Padang Mahsyar !!! Some will get years jail term n a prison is not a place to enjoy nor for holidays. But it will not deter any of them from doing neither of the above becoz it promised wealth n prestige eg robbers n drug pushers....

~~~So to those contemplating of changing into these profession, please think a dozen time n probably more hundred times before doing it !!! Its not your road to richness but its the road to dooms day...... Answering to ALLAH SWT...........I assure you that it is much hurtfull than whipping in the prison !!! There's no where to run n hide !!!

~~~ So I suggest, why not be kind, have more LOVE; for your selves n others, be a law abiding citizen( not even for jay walking nor a speeding ticket!!!) and have more private sessions daily with ALLAH ( solat n doa ; like you're going to die tommorow !!) and LOVE your parents who push all the difficulities to bring you into this world safely n I might add 'legally' and if you have family of your own, think of them n remember they will ask for their rights in front of ALLAH in Mahsyar. Show good example to your own kids. Do you want them to follow your footsteps ? Are you ready for all this ?..... Nauuzubillah

Monday, June 21, 2010

A day as a pemerhati kat UITM Shah Alam's E-PJJ registration..........

Yesterday had to follow Pak Aji Azmi p duty d EPJJ registration. Sebenarnya about 12 pm kena pegi ke Stadium Bukit Jalil for the National Convention.So ikut ja so that after tu terus p.D sebabkan terlampau ramai student, it went past 12 pm !!! Ya Allah baru la I saw with my own eyes betapa hebat nya orang2 yg bernama Bank Tellers officers !!! Kalau I had to accept cash yg tiap2 satu amount to thousand over, pasti mengeletar segala2 yg ada d tubuh ni !!! Tp I saw the 3 tellers of the day Syikin, Mida n Haziq buat kerja, I can give U guys 5 star punya tabik spring...toiiiinnngggg. With 2 officers Hj Azmi n Lin with a very2 young armed guard Lan.

The first customer walk up (as we were placed on d stage at d Dewan Seri Budiman) at 8.10 am. It didn't subside till 4 pm. I sat beside the tellers n saw a lot money change hands. People of all walks of life n all of them are working class people. Some are in their forties some are very young 21 yrs. All of them have a simple awareness that when you are educated then only you're somebody ...

Mida, Haziq n Syikin in action...

Counters on stage...

Bila dah close counters, there's still a lot of things to be settled. Ishhh.... x mau la kerja bank. Dah jd wife to a banker for the last 23 years pun dah cukup I think.....Its not easy you know, believe me. Kalau orang boleh balik kampong ptg raya tp we all kena tunggu sampai dia balance dulu baru boleh bertolak. Kadang2 pukul 10 pm mlm raya maseh dok balance d bank !! Anak isteri dah ready n bersiap tp bila sampai 12 am x balance2 so postpone balik subuh2 raya pertama...Mujoq la I'm not like some wifey yg akan nangis kalau x sempat sampai nak raya on 1st raya d rumah parents dia !!! Kita cool je sbb selama ini x penah pon raya ngan mak sendiri. I will only cry kalau my husband n anak2 x de....

Lepas CIT from security van sampai n load barang2, semua balik ke Bank to finish kerja2 yg berkaitan. To see kalau ada shortage @ not. Alhamdulillah all went well n managed to leave for home at 8.30 pm. Tiring but who has the chance to get a practical on d life of a banker.
Among the last customer was my super senior En. Zainal. What a suprise, still nak belajar at his age. I salute you Sir !! I pray that u shall fly thru...Amin.

Friday, June 18, 2010

You ask Allah will give.....

Kita pernah dengar kata2 ' hanya orang2 yg prasan dia kaya yg tidak berdoa kepada Allah" Apabila d kaji2 n d pikirkan, betoii jugak. Sepatutnya apa2 pon kita doa n mintak pd Allah sbb dia maha kuasa, maha mengetahui n maha segalanya..... Tp kita slalu lupa pd dia la tempat yg sesuai meminta.

Allah tu tahu apa yg patut d kurniakan sbb dia yg cipta kita, dia kenai kita dari belom menyawa lagi. Selalu kita marah pasai doa kita tak d makbolkn !!! Tapi pernah x kita tanya pasai apa yg Allah x bg ?? Mungkin cara kita x betui, kalau Allah bg mungkin kita lupa diri, kalau d perkenankan mugkin kita jd bongkak , kita jd syirik n macam2 alasan yg hanya Allah yg tahu.

I always say that maybe Allah bg rezeki ala kadar aje to our family sbb Allah tahu siapa kita n apa capability kita. Entah2 kalau bg kaya sangat2 , sat lagi teruih dah x pijak tanah!!! So syukor la apa yg d suratkan......

I would like to share that a mothers doa is the most afdal n there is no hijab from Allah !!! So mothers please doa for your anak2 n see for your self how fast Allah makbolkan...... I had a few examples recently and I will never stop doa for my 5 children..........

Please remember that any thing that Allah wants to give you comes in COD now days !!!! So be extra careful of what you ask. Be it small or big doa......

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My trip to Parit Buntar....... Tobat tak p dah makan kat situ !!!!

On 14th june went to Parit Buntar with laling( Hj Azmi) , just to teman him for a meeting. Atteya still on her uni break so ada chan p sana !!! Kalau dak no way la.... Stayed @ Hotel Damai Deluxe room for rm 108 per night. Okay la, spacious room n bathroom. Next time can bring the boys along.

Lunch on 15th tu kat Pak Din warong or apa tah nama. The bill for 2 person nasi campoq 1. nasi putih, kerabu taugeh, masak asam pari n gravy, 2 pcs kacang botoi n selom 2 pcs plus ais kosong. 2nd plate nasi putih, ayam kg goreng, kuah gulai , kerabu taugeh n a pc of pari bakaq n air asam plus teh o ais ....came up to rm 19.90 !!!!! We had the shock of our life !!! Ya ka or salah tulih kot ??? rm 9.90 kot ??

Nak telan pon dah jadi berat, walhal masa tu lapaq tuhan la tau ...... Sambil makan dok kira balik brapa ringgit. Last2 kata kat laling, ayah this shall be the first n last depa dapat duit kita !!!! Kan rugi tu, kalau U kira pd harga yg berpatutan then I will share with a lot of people n ramai akan mai makan at your shop tp now I post in my blog to share also with other people THE NEGATIVE ASPECT OF YOUR BUSINESS !!! Sapa yg rugi ????? Kamu n perniagaan kamu !!!

While waiting for my hubby to finish his meeting, I waited for him kat lobby hotel. Jumpa la another person dok wait for hubby dia jugak. Masa sembang2 tu dia tanya U kerja kat mana ?? Dia kerja la, kat apa tah nama company !! I said dulu2 kerja tp pasai I rasa its best to look after your own children so I resign. I asked my self, agaknya kalau kita ni housewife ni kena apa sepesen. Kena jd timid, x reti campoq org. Suri rumah x leh confident, berani, up to date n IT savvy !!! But I am a FULL TIME HOUSE WIFE tp i'm the opposite of how other people potray what a house wife should be !! Salah ka kalau kita ni intelligent n confident ? I look my self as at par with all of you working n sometimes BETTER lagi .... I've found a lot of examples among my friends.

Jangan pandang kami HOME ADMINISTRATOR sebagai BIBIK !!! We are worth more than you all yg kerja sbb kami adalah Chef, gardener, bibik, doctor, nurse, baby sitter, motivational guru n etc. Bak kata JANE OF ALL TRADE la.... Kalau nak bagi gaji, ramai husband yg x mampu. Buleh bangkarap !!! Tp kami redha sbb PAHALA dari ALLAH lagi banyak !!! Lupa nak cakap , lagi satu... cikgu tuition x rasmi... Nak x nak kena buat tuition bg anak2. Sbb tu nak jd home admint ni nak kena ada degree or master at least... Tp yg mak2 x dak SPM pon anak2 semua lepas Universiti !!! So bermakna mak x pandai x bermakna anak2 keciciran !!!

The presence of a mother tu yg penting.Anak2 seronok if they come back ibu or mak dia ada, siap with lunch. My 4 boys kalau balik pasti buat sharing pasai hal2 d sekolah. Sampai kekadang kita x larat nak dengaq. Dia ikut belakang kita sbb nak suroh ibu dengaq n bg comment. Tp tu la kemanisan berada d rumah sbb mak2 yg kerja x kan merasa !!! Thats worth more than all the money in the whole world. Quality n quantity time with your anak2 !! So jgn kata kami2 ni x dak ANJAKAN PARADIGMA !!! Kadang2 yg kerja tu, x tau lagi hebat ka dak ?? P reja pasai nak cari duit ja...Kami ni mugkin x se kaya mereka2 tp apa2 yg suami2 bg kami redha n bersyukor !!!

So the next time nampak a confident n IT savvy person, jgn la asyik kata dia ni pasti reja tp don't be suprise to know that dia adalah se orang HOME ADMINISTRATOR PROFESIONAL bernama TUNKU MAZUIN TUNKU ANOR @ AWIN..... Has been a full time Home Admint for the last 23 years come 4th Oct 2010.....hheheheeheheheh

So jom la kita2 yg bergelar ibu2 d rumah, mantapkan diri n jangan ketinggalan dari sahabat2 kita yg berjerja. Pasti kita boleh bila kita hendak !!! CHAYOK...CHAYOK COMRADE HOUSE WIFE....

What is private ? Is religion one of them ?

Some people say that religion is personal..... Is it ? But if you were to see some one close to you on the verge of slipping in to a straight forward act of going against the faith then do you keep quiet or advice them. The irony of the whole thing of advising is that they end up hating n blocking you out of their life !!! You meant well and do not want them to go astray but they say its their business so stay off.

My advice is let them be. You've tried and its up to them to think about it. We only want whats best for them. If they choose to close their heart then its their right. Don't be sad, for I believe to do something good is not easy so persevere........... ALLAH shall always be with you, insya'allah.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Jom masak n makan2.... Kuih Pau chinese style

Hari ni terasa pulak nak makan kuih pau. Rasa2 lama sungguh x buat. Kalau bebudak kat rumah ni suka if buat inti chix @ red bean tp kemalasan yg ketara telah melanda diri ini so kaya uncle slocum la jadi mangsa !!! hehehe

So I shall share kulit pau punya recipe, senang je coz any filling yg U want to put in pon boleh..... Sardin malam tadi yang x abis pon boleh....... What u need is :

500 gm plain flour
2 teaspoon double action baking powder
120 gm caster sugar
3 teaspoon mauripan
50 gm vege shortening
230 ml water

Mix all ingredients n knead into a smooth dough. Divide into smaller portions of 20 gm each. Flatten dough n wrap in filling. Tutup with damp cloth n let it 2 prove till it doubles in size. Arrange in steamer and steam for 10 mins......

Tu je, x yah beli. Kalau kat rumah ni comfirm x cukup kalau beli sebijik sorang. Pasal tu la kena buat sendiri d rumah. Boleh bankrap Tuan hj kita !!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Boring la kalau slalu cam ni.....

Macam mana la nak memajukan industri IT bila mana internet connection pon sat ada sat x dak?? Tiap2 minggu pulak x leh pakai tp bill jalan ?? Sapa2 buleh tulon jwb !!!! Penen kapla dah dok pikiaq...... Kalau farmville punya kerugian tok sah cakap la. Mujoq la duit tu alam maya !! kalau dak mmg see u in court la..... Bila call 100 x cukup 2 hengget, sabaq ja la ..

Mujoq atteya ada d rumah, buleh la tumpang pakai lap top dia. So x la lama sangat x leh guna . Nak order on line pon jd susah tp up line d seremban ok so x la men haru biru kan la.

Life is not always bed of roses.....

I have been bloging since 2 years or so but i choose to hide the blogs coz i felt that i wasn't ready to share. But now the time has come to share n to be a blogger in d 'market' ....... here i come world.
This shall be assortments of what i like to share. It will not be on the same topic. Just bear with me and come along on my journey of everyday life ala awin anor............

I have gone thru a lot of ups n downs in my 45 years as a human being. I'm a positive n strong person(i hope n try 2 be one) I would like to thank Allah for always helping n giving a lot of chances to me to keep on being alive n still breathing till now....... Amien